Have you ever wanted to get into Airsoft MilSim? Perhaps you have been to a few events but want to get more out of it? Looking for a good team building event?
This is the event for you!

A summary of our 2023 event
3 Instructor lead sessions (from serving soldiers) on key milsim elements with opportunities for 1-2-1 learning and Q&A. The sessions included personal admin and harbour area set up, combative trench clearance, room entry, patrol drills and squad based tactical training.
A 2 Hour BattleSim where trainees tested your new skills, work as a team to achieve objectives.
Each trainee got their own British Army 24 Hour Ration Pack and goody bag with gifts from various Airsoft Suppliers and Companies
Free entry into the raffle
Evening Social BBQ (food provided)
Overnight camping with the option to test out camping under a basha
Portaloos - this is only an introduction to MilSim after all!
Unfortunately we won't be running any more of these events in 2023, however, based on the success of the event, we will be looking to run another event of this style in 2024! Stay tuned to our socials and the podcast for more info as and when we announce a date!